lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Newsea Kaysa clayified Recolored in 100 colors

Standalone recolor Comes in 100 colors: 24 crayolas Naturals + 36 Dazed and confused + 20 8Bitto colors + 20 Anathema Naturals & Unnaturals. You need to download the mesh here [Kaysa Retexture&Mesh] by @phaedra-sims Clayified by @prados-sims Downloads: [Simfileshare]  [Adfly +...

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

Shea Hair

New mesh, Base Game Compatible Comes in 100 Colors: 18 EA's, + 24 crayolas Naturals + 20 8Bitto colors + 20 Anathema Naturals & Unnaturals. You should download the EA colors for the mesh if you want the other colors. For females, from teen to elder HAT COMPATIBLE  Custom thumbnails Fixed...

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016

Sunny Hair

New mesh, Base Game Compatible Comes in 18 EA’s colors For females, from teen to elder HAT COMPATIBLE (I finally know, yay me) Custom thumbnail Fixed bump map, shadow and Lods. Enabled for random New texture bc yes (more like a smol edit but still). Download: [Simfileshare]  [Simfileshare +...

Avelina Hair

Finally i finished this hair! It comes in 64 colors because it is never enough and i couldn’t help myself (o´ω`o) New mesh, base game compatible Comes in 64 colors: 18 EA’s colors + 24 crayolas Naturals + 20 Egg pastel colors.  You should download the EA colors for the mesh...